The Centre offers several short and long-term programmes in the areas of its core competences – economic and business policy and analysis.
The short-term capacity building focus include
- Short-term training in econometric and macroeconomic modelling tools for policy research – some of which include Survey Data Analysis, Cross-Sectional Analysis, Panel Data Econometric Analysis, Time Series Analysis, CGE and DSGE Modelling, among others.
- Short-Term Executive Training in Macroeconomics, Budgeting, Investment Analysis, Financial and Monetary Economics and general economic issues, among others.
It also offers specialized multidisciplinary Masters and PhD programmes in areas of Economics, Public Sector Economic Governance, Financial and Monetary Economics and Policy Analysis. Such courses include, but not limited to:
- Masters in Budgeting and Public Sector Management
- Masters in Financial Economics
- MSc /Masters in Environmental Economics
- MSc /Masters in Health Economics
Also doctoral programmes in the relevant areas are on offer.
The targeted Market for these trainings includes corporate
corporate organizations, governments and MDAs, international organisations and individuals.